Spinning Tatsu
Dart, Staff, Dragon Dust, Fans, Dragon Staff, Fire Eating, Fire Breathing, Hollow Tubes, Fleshing, Orb, Poi, Sword, and Umbrella
Bill (just Bill)
Staff, Dragon Dust, Fans, Dragon Staff, Fire Eating, Fire Breathing, Hollow Tubes, Fleshing, Orb, Poi, Sword, and Umbrella
Staff, Dragon Dust, Fans, Dragon Staff, Fire Eating, Fire Breathing, Hollow Tubes, Fleshing, Orb, Poi, Sword, and Umbrella
Torren Deadland
Fans, Orb, Staff, Flow Hoop
Jump Rope, Poi, Staff, Contact Staff, Fans, Orb, Fleshing, Hoop, Snakes, Fire Faeries
Troupe Coordinator
Fire Toys: Hoops of all shapes and sizes, Parasol, Staff, Fans, Poi, Orb, Fire Faeries
Inger - Steampunk Xena
Fire Breathing, Fire Eating, Fans & Snakes
Marco - Khaos
Fire breathing, fire eating, sword, fans & Hoop
Hillary Harris
Amira Chandrika
Christa Sperry
Cap'n Gordon Staub
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